Art on a camp site? We think that being on holiday means switching off for a moment, taking a deep breath, opening your eyes and exploring new things. Inspiring things. Fun things. Relaxing things.

Let the “Girl on the Swing” and the many other expressive outdoor sculptures by our mother, Martha Zischg, tell you all about the lightness of being... and take something from it into your everyday lives.

Martha Zischg has also made our Runstner Hof Café into the place that it is with her works. An oasis for body and soul.


There is a second location where guests can enjoy our genuine hospitality: the small but perfectly formed Runstner Hof Cafè in the centre of Gargazon, 10 minutes’ walk from KOMODO Camping.

We serve fragrant coffee, refreshing aperitifs and a gourmet breakfast that stands apart from the mainstream, lovingly prepared with seasonal, regional and organic ingredients.

The Runstnerhof is an ancient farm from the 14th century and our family home. We live and work here. We have our roots here. And here is where we look forward to welcoming you for a cosy stay amongst the apple trees and kiwi vines.
